Christ IN you, the hope of glory!

We are now settling into our fantastic new building at 23 Foster St, Newmarket!  And we thank God for this incredible fulfilment of His prophetic promises to us.

Over 30 years ago in 1987 our Founding Ministers obeyed the call of God upon their lives and created a church with a unique multicultural vision.  Their dream was to see a ‘place of commanded blessing’ where people from all over the world would come and worship God. Today, ICC is known throughout Australia as a ‘church in community’ and a champion of Multiculturalism.  Government recognition has enabled the church to empower refugees and migrants, and to assist the homeless, elderly and disadvantaged. Our street outreach programs have ministered to thousands over the years, while ClubICC our student organisation has touched the lives of thousands of students in university campuses in Brisbane.  We also care passionately for orphaned children and support many missions in Nepal, Nicaragua, Kenya, India and China.  We invite you to join us on our amazing journey as there is still so much more to be done.

If you have not visited us, drop in. Come and be part of our exciting ‘Awesome God encounter!’  We’d love to see you and have you join our Technicolour family.

Love & blessings
Jonathan & Deborah Mok
Senior Minister


Sunday Service Times

9am Celebration Service
(Headset translations available – Mandarin & Spanish)

11.15am Spanish Service

HMS Service @5pm
Healing, Miracles, Signs & Wonders


Join us for our dynamic & multicultural worship services each Sunday, where we worship in English, Spanish & Chinese.

9am Celebration Service (English sermon)

The 9am service is a multicultural service where many working young adults, young families and matured aged attend. We also have a great kids Sunday school program at 9am. The 9am service will be held in 2 locations – the Newmarket campus and the Southside Campus.

Headset translations into Mandarin and Spanish available.

All services will be live streamed on iccbrisbane.org/live.

11.15am Spanish Service

The 11.15am Spanish service is a multicultural service conducted in Spanish, with English translation. We also have a great kids Sunday school program.

Headset translations into English available.

All services will be live streamed on iccbrisbane.org/live.

Sunday Healing, Miracles, Signs & wonders (HMS Service @ 5pm)
(We pray for the sick and those with needs)


To keep up to date with all our Service Times please check our Online Calendar by CLICKING HERE.



We’re a praying church and we believe in the power of prayer, everyone is welcome to join us in prayer on Tuesday nights 6pm Hour of Power Prayer (where we pray in tongues) and 7pm Combined Prayer.  And, generally,  the 1st Tuesday night of each month is our HEARTS UNITED Prayer night at 7pm.

Please check our Online Calendar by CLICKING HERE as we also have other meetings on certain Tuesdays which may affect these prayer times.


What to Expect in the Service

ICC is a dynamic multicultural group of people from all walks of life who are being transformed by Jesus Christ. Every week we join together to worship God and to experience a relevant and powerful message, which teaches truths from the Bible in our Sunday celebration services. We are also a connect church, which means all our members belong to CONNECT groups that meet in homes all over Brisbane for fellowship and encouragement through God’s word and prayer. We are passionate about building a multicultural church and serving our communities.

What can I expect when I come to ICC?

You will see:

  • People of many nations (Caucasians, Asians, Latinos, Africans, Europeans, Islanders) singing, worshipping and praying in different languages, not just English but also Mandarin, Spanish and more!
  • ICC is a House of Prayer for many nations. Prayer meetings are held each Wed night, daily in the early morning and late most nights. We believe in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit  and will pray for the sick and those with real needs.
  • Multicultural Leadership and guidance by leaders from many cultures whose input regarding organisation, cultural habits in programs and outreach show different ways of expressing God’s nature and passion in a church reflecting a God who is more diverse than any one culture can represent or understand.
  • Translations into different languages in our services.
  • Cultural social events to encourage people to bring in many friends of all cultures to a place where everyone has an accent. Also, expect cultural discussions to help break down dividing walls.
  • Connect groups which meet during the week for fellowship and spiritual encouragement which are language based which enable people to worship and discuss the things of God in ones’ own heart language. Connect groups are also encouraged to be multicultural if there is a unifying language e.g. English.
  • The hospitality of many nations – we love to fellowship over food from all over the world!
  • Constant multi-cultural reference in all communication, services.
  • Deliberate working towards unity and harmony. Psalm 133

What are the services like?

After a short time for greeting one another, the worship team will lead the congregation in a time of dynamic & lively praise & worship. At ICC expect all our services to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit, hence our services are comprised of dynamic powerful praise and worship, relevant life-changing messages, as well as times of allowing God to minister to his people through times of worship, ministry, prayer and communion.  The praise & worship is followed by a time of giving, which is part of our worship to God. This is followed by the weekly video announcements and a welcome to all our new guests.  We may then have a special song presentation before the preaching/ teaching of  God’s Word.  The service often concludes with a time of prayer and ministry or an altar call for people wanting to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. From time to time we will also host dynamic guest speakers from around the world.

ICC Birthday – Past from ICC Brisbane on Vimeo.


Our vision – we are a dynamic multicultural connect church impacting this nation and beyond.



  • That the Bible is God’s Word. It is accurate, authoritative and applicable to our every day lives.
  • In one eternal God who is the Creator of all things. He exists in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He is totally loving and completely holy.
  • That sin has separated each of us from God and His purpose for our lives.
  • That the Lord Jesus Christ as both God and man is the only One who can reconcile us to God. He lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory and empower us for life.
  • That in order to receive forgiveness and the “new birth” we must repent of our sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and submit to His will for our lives.
  • That in order to live the holy and fruitful lives that God intends for us, we need to be baptised in water and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to use spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues which is the initial evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit.
  • That God has individually equipped us so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives which is to worship God, fulfill our role in the Church and serve the community in which we live.
  • That God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and prosperous lives in order to help others more effectively.
  • That our eternal destination of either Heaven or Hell is determined by our response to the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • That the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again as He promised.