If you’re new to ICC or new to the Christian faith come and chat to us at the NEXT STEPS desk on Sunday after morning service (located on the ground floor next to the lift).  We have friendly hosts who can direct you on your journey of understanding Christianity and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and also connecting you to friends and families at ICC who can support you in your faith (through our connect groups).

Alternatively you can contact us at the ICC Office 3257 1868 [email protected] for more information as well.

MakeDisciples (MD101) course is for those who are new to the Christian faith or need a refresher in the foundations of Christianity.  To enrol or for more information please contact Ps Olivia [email protected]

Our VIP course is for those who are new to our church to learn more about how you can partner with us in the vision and values of ICC and also discover your spiritual gifts so you can find your right fit in the Kingdom of God.

Watch this space for more information on the next dates for the MD101 course & the VIP course.