Healing from Cancer

Morning guys, just an encouragement and testimony of power prayer. Last night caught up finally with Christian Lealiifano ACT Brumbies and Wallabies player who got healed of Cancer. 2 and half hours he explained the miracle and healing power of Jesus Christ. He said he felt the presences of God and His Spirit all through [...]

By |October 19th, 2017|ICC Lives|0 Comments

Job & Financial breakthrough

A friend of mine who is in the animation field has been unemployed for a while in QLD. After prompting from fellow animators he moved to NSW where he managed to work here and there on animation gigs. He would go months without working until he met a Doctor at his local church that needed [...]

By |October 19th, 2017|ICC Lives|0 Comments

Lost and Found Engagement Ring

In June 2017, I lost my engagement ring (similar to the one in the pic attached) in at a friend's wedding when I had taken it off and put it in my clutch bag to put hand cream on in the car and somewhere along the way it had fallen out somewhere between the pitch [...]

By |October 19th, 2017|ICC Lives|0 Comments